Wednesday, November 05, 2008



No more can the USA be declared a racist country because a black man is now president.

What other things are off the table now?
  • 40 acres and a mule
  • Reparations
  • Getting to work on time
  • The glass ceiling
  • "The Man"
  • The Struggle
  • The correct way to refer to blacks
  • Any other race centered excuses for not succeeding
"My friends" you now have what you always wanted. A "somewhat" black man is now president. Did anyone see his recently passed white grandmother by the way? But yet he is black, he married a black woman, has black children. The dude is black so you win, the white man loses and we can all live in harmony now. :-)

Any of you reading this that think the reason that Obama won was because of his stance on the issues are just kidding yourself.

Any of you who think he won because he held the banner of "CHANGE" high are ignoring the fact that every candidate from the opposite party in a presidential election rides that Change banner like an angry mule in the 40 acres of desert.

Any of you that think the reason he won was because he is black. Well you guys are right.

And who wouldn't want the job? I mean the guy gets to take the blame for further bloodshed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The truth his he won't bring the troops home in 60 days as he previously promised. And the economy he has inherited? What a prime time to be president when you get to take the blame for a failure like the current state of wall street and the sub-prime mortgage disaster. The fact is the president has little to do with destroying or saving the economy and when one of the political pundits last night said that under Obama the economy would start coming back in 6 months I laughed. Yeah and so will the troops.

The biggest hypocrate of the night has to be Jesse Jackson. After this money hungry scumbag called Obama "the N word" in a candid moment less than six months ago he is standing there crying at the success that is President Obama. The dude was crying because it isn't President Jackson on that stage. This guy is an example of what's wrong in this world. Hopefully the age of Obama will mean the end of the Jackson era. At the very least.

And to you conservative middle class idiots that voted for this guy I hope you enjoy the higher taxes that your buddy Obama will impose on you. How can anyone possibly think that in a economy of federal bailout that the individual would get his taxes cut and not see them go the other way (higher for you slow people)? You are a bunch of fools and you will pay (literally) when this liberal leader and his liberal senate and liberal house start taking your money and giving it to all those programs that support people who would rather depend on government assistance than go get a job at the local BK.

And mark my words, by this time next year when all those people who thought Obama would change their lives and make it ok for them to miss a mortgage payment discover that nothing has changed you will hear a lot of pissed off people. It's going to get ugly.

Where did Hillary disappear to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Where did Hillary disappear to?"

Oh, I'm still here. Quiet, and a little sad, but here. A bittersweet victory for me and mine.

What to do now? Maybe a cabinet position. HUD, possibly. Sigh.

So much for my run in 2012. The economy will recover at some point in the next four years, thanks to Hank Paulson's initiatives. They'll work. And Obama will take the credit, though he did nothing. Didn't even go back to DC to address the crisis - thought it better to campaign in Mississippi instead. Turkey. Eight years for sure. And that Pelosi bitch, ugh.

I'll go home, pop open the bottle of Grey Goose in the freezer and finger myself to sleep next to Sarah's beauty pageant swimsuit competition pictures from 1984. God, she looked tasty.