Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin The First Female President

You heard it here first. Come 2012 Sarah Palin will be the boss.


Because she single handedly killed the Obama campaign last night. Because she is what the politicos call a "great communicator".

I am sick of what has become of our government and I question whether it was always like this and I was just a naive get. At one time I thought the right was about lowering taxes and promoting business and the left was all about supporting those who can't support themselves. But the fact is that both parties are two sides of the same coin. Don't kid yourselves people politicians are in it for the money and power just like any other ambitious corporate ladder climbers.

So now I look at politics as a SPORT.

Not so much thinking that anyone will change anything or better my life but by the plays made to get the advantage over the opponent. When Obama picked Mile High Stadium for his convention speech I thought it was a smart move. Kind of saying "I am a man of the people. Watch me fill this f'in stadium with people". And he did. But then his less than stellar performance at the mic that night didn't keep me interested. Maybe if he had thrown in a "people's elbow" or repeatedly referred to himself in third person "And Barack says to George W Bush and his people know your role and SHUT YOUR MOUTH".

Dude you have to attack to win and saying the McCain is just a third Bush term is not enough. I'm just sayin...

Shortly after the convention McCain made the very wise choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate. This choice will bring in 50% of the Hillary voters who only voted for Ms. Clinton because she is a woman. Many women voted Clinton as blacks are voting Obama because of gender or race. I am not being critical of this just stating it as I see it. At the same time some white people vote McCain because he's white. Who cares? It's not news to anyone that people pick a candidate for many stupid reasons. Remember the people who voted for Bill Clinton because he has "a kind face"?

But last night Sarah brought her hunting gear and had her guns blazing at the Obama campaign.

Last night she was confident, comfortable, and clear.

Last night she put John McCain in the Whitehouse.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, baby, yes, yes, Yes, YES YESSSSS! Oooohhhhh! OOOHHHHHH!


That was good.

I need a cigarette.

Anonymous said...

Pull yourself together, Hillary! Have some self-respect, girl!

That Palin woman has a lot going for her, that's certain. After all, she reminds me of ... me!

Ronnie would love her! I bet I can get Nancy to give her some due props.

Anonymous said...

Her teleprompter broke. SHE WINGED IT. Holy effing mother of God; SHE WINGED IT. Live, on camera, the biggest effing night of her life ... and hit an effing home run!

What would Obama have done if his teleprompter broke? Stutter, rumble, uh uh uh, stutter, flutter, flub.

Man, she's good!

James said...

AND she mentioned that her father was a Haberdasher! Way to bring it home eh?

Anonymous said...

Dudes, did you catch her line about my "package"? I'm living large, if you know what I mean. All pumped up! Heh heh.

Gotta run - Spongebob is on.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hillary, I'm thinking an Ann-Sarah-Hillary sandwich would be delish! What do you say, babe? Open to new things? wink

Anonymous said...

Dang, shorty's got game. Why'd I pick that hair-plugged Biden creep when I coulda had a white girl? Gonna kill one of my advisors ... pop a cap in their head. But first, let me snort up this here coke line. :sniff:

Farrakhan! Call down the mothership! Amerikkka is rising up against me! We gotta play the victim card!

Hey where's Michelle my belle? Baby, get over here, I'm horny! Been watching Palin on youtube all day!