Tuesday, September 09, 2008


I recently added the ability for you to become a follower of my blog (see right column) but apparently you can only sign up as a public follower if you have a blog yourself and the fact is that some of us are bloggers and some just don't know the struggle we bloggers face.

I think you shouldn't have a be a blogger to a follower of a blogger. But I's don't like it when people who are not bloggers refer to me as blogger because they are not bloggers and don't understand where we bloggers come from, you know?

Once in a while when I see one of the other bloggers I know in my hood I will say "Yo Blogga, wassup?" but I don't want to see no damn Site Owners (I call 'em boardas) calling me a blogga, they just don't know my struggle. Frikin boardas, they think just because they own da site that I blog on that I am a slave to dem. I ain't no slave to no damn boarda! One day I will get what I deserve for spreading my content and won't have to answer to none of them tight ass white linen pants wearing boardas.



Anonymous said...

I'm no followa! I'm a leada!

Hey, listen to me you filthy white rich blogga! Pay attention to me! I'm JOE FREAKING VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BIDEN.

I know stuff about blogs! I'm the best! I'm JOE FREAKING BIDEN! I am NOT irrelevant! Why, I created blogs! Just look at me! Give me more press time! I'm JOE BIDEN!

I'm clean! My hair looks great!

I - uh, wha? Blogs? An internet thing? Not slang for hair plugs? Oh.


Anonymous said...

Yo yo yo my bloggas! Wat iz UP! Fo' shizzy!

Well contrary to the belief of several prominent European "scientists," the world did not end today when CERN fired up its particle accelerator.

The "scientists" who had sued the EU to put a halt to the experiment then backtracked, saying that the real trouble wouldn't start until October 21st, when the first high-energy collisions are scheduled to take place, while other European "scientists" insisted the true doomsday would not occur until 2012, in accordance with the ancient Mayan calendar predicting the end of the world.

Real scientist Stephen Hawking said, "Well this is all very exciting, but dang! Have you seen that American Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin?! Tie me to my wheelchair because I've got a woody that could reach across the pond! Sha-ZAM!"


Anonymous said...




It's hard to believe he really said it.

Joe Biden: Hillary "might have been a better pick than me."

WHAT AN IGNORANT, OFFENSIVE COMMENT. It is amazing this guy has any support. Maybe he's just plain ol' STUPID.

A better pick than I, you grammatical f-up, Joe. Better than I.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden created the super-collider. He wants you to know that as VP he will do everything he can to stop Global Freezing.

My name is Al Gore and I approve this message.