Wednesday, January 05, 2005

New found friendship? I think not.

The other day we are at Target shopping for containers and the like to organize all of our crap. As I was looking at the containers I heard "James, James". Next thing I know Frack is walking up to me. She has no clue that Nina and I really have no interest in her trials and tribulations but she has to tell someone and apparently our kindness during the fire resulted in a new found friendship.

The fact that she has lied repeatedly to me has no part in the logic that whirls through that big head of hers.

So she starts telling us about dealing with the claims adjuster and what a slow process it is. She describes how the local cleaners came to pick up all their smoke damaged clothes like they where the nazis coming to nab the jews. Quite tramatic. "Tell me they didn't! And when they came back with the clothes were they actually clean? Shocking!"

She tells us that they have not been staying in the home and that she is staying with her friend (you know the one who drives the red BMW that always parks in front of YOUR house while she is visitng ME). Oh ya that one that when she got into a fender bender she covered up the scratch with contact paper. BLUE contact paper. RED Car. BLUE sticker backed contact paper.

Apparently the damage was not too extensive and pretty much confined to the area of the garage where the dryer was. She said that the insurance company would "go after" the manufacturer. I asked her how old the dryer was and she said 4 years. The idea that enough lint would collect around a dryer drum to cause a fire in four years when there are only 3 people living in the house is surprising to me. But I figure that if their laziness carries over to "the drying process" I suspect they may only clean the lint trap once a month.

Frack tells us that her daughter is going to get married in June and that the grandmother bought her some Tiffany lamps that Frack has put away for safe keeping. Where? You guessed it, in a garage cabinet above the washer & dryer. I know that if I had Tiffany lamps I would store them in the garage. That has to be the safest place for valuables. We keep all our expense jewelry, important documents, family heirlooms all in cabinet next to the weed wacker, motor oil, and fertilizer. I suspect that if she actually did have Tiffany lamps in there they were lamps with pictures of that popstar that used to perform concerts in malls in the 90's.

I am not sure how the conversation went this way but Frack told us that Frick snores and that she can't sleep because she is a light sleeper. I have that same problem when Frick and Frack have those keggers to 2am. So she will wake up Frick in the middle of the night and he gets mad at her for waking him up. I suggested a muzzle but she didn't think Frick would go for it.

Then Frack tells us that her daughter works at a rehab facility for developmentally disabled people. She begins to talk with a speech impediment and walking around like a monkey with her hands in the air to demostrate. If she weren't so pathetic she would be funny. Hasn't society evolved to the point where making fun of the mentally and physically handcapped is not acceptible? I got to hand it to Frack's daughter, after all she is helping people but then again working at the rehab for her is probably like an average day with her parents.

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