Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally Obama has come back to Washington!

OK, here is where we start "Peoples President".

Our country is in bad shape, we are at war, the economy is in the toilet and Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th President of these United States of America.

I am cautiously optimistic regarding the new commander in chief, it kind of feels like when Arnold became the Governator after that hack was recalled. What was his name? Davis, Al no I mean Gray Davis. That's the ticket. I felt like this with Arnold. He planned to make radical change and unfortunately he fell into the web of the hacks in Sacramento who are currently responsible for disaster that California has become.

President Obama could just as easily fall into this trap but I hope that the current state of our union will help him move an agenda forward of "uniting people from both sides of the aisle". His pledge for an "end to petty greed" while "wasteful programs will end" he will "re-establish trust" in our government.

Can you tell I paid close attention to his speech today?

What I hope is that Obama will take aggressive action to correct the problems we face in 2009 and that he won't be a victim of a group of established bureaucrats who enjoy a nice lunch out each day. I have faced such adversity in my work where my drive to correct things has been perceived and aggressive and threatening to the established hierarchy.

Way to make myself important eh? In the annuls of time the name James Mossman and Barrack Obama will be placed together as two heroes who tried to make a difference.

Hopefully Barack will have better luck than I. "With (our) eyes fixed on the horizon" we will uplift the "noble idea that all are created equal" and have a right "to pursue a measure of happiness".

Black leader you are approved for your bombing run. Watch out for those tie fighters.

Open cheek.
Insert tongue.


Anonymous said...

An Inaugural Poem

DC lawn scattered people like frozen worker ants

We hope, and yearn, and Ted Danson

Will they find their love an island?

Hairy palms, hairy palms, hairy palms

Now we guess the plan, the man, Old Stan, kick the can

And we walk

The road

To the zoo

You belong

Close your eyes

And dare

Double dare

Double dog dare

Truth or dare

Hairy palms

Hairy palms

It's mustard - do you want it in your ear?!

James said...


This brings up another thought. Listening to the poet (Elizabeth Alexander) that followed the Obama's speech I thought to myself "I wrote this kind of shit in High School". My conclusion: Either I am a brilliant poet who has yet to be receive the accolades I am deserved or someone is playing the race card.

Anonymous said...

Or, you didn't sleep with the people I slept with.

Anonymous said...

Ewww ...

Anonymous said...

Funky boss,
Funky boss,
Funky boss,
Funky boss.

Funky boss,
Funky boss,