Friday, April 01, 2005

Mount Palomar Winery

"Could you move closer to the wall so we can get these other people in to taste".

This was one of the wonderful one liner's from the snobby bitch that served us. The fact that she tolerated our presence was so delightful of her. I would not judge an entire wine tasting experience strickly based on the staff but for Mount Palomar I'll give it my best shot. We walked into the dimly lit room with the wonderful sounds of a dishwasher surrounding us as a hint of swamp gas from it gave us that Feng Shui feel. Bitch-Monica I will call her, though I never even asked her name, told us the rules. 6 tastings for 5 dollars from a list of 12 wines. After I paid BM (Bitch-Monica) she put down a glass and a card that had 6 little perforated pieces on it. As she poured each tasting she would rip off one of the strips. This must be a god send to her because after I cosied up against the wall there must have been 10 people tasting. Heaven forbid she lose track and give someone 7 tastings instead of 6! Once she finished tearing off the strips she would deposit the left over card into a large glass vase. CHA-CHING!

This all being said Mount Palomar did have a few good wines, the highlight being their Sherry. Apparently they have some sort of deviced to make the sherry that no one else in Temecula has. I don't know what it is. I don't know why they need it and BM was not too interested in explaining it so I didn't push it. Needless to say this sherry had a taste of a fine brandy without the bite. Very nice.

Mount Palomar also has a deli with some great smelling pizza. The woman who works the deli was very kind an accommodating but she had too much to do and not enough help. A world of difference from BM. That's Bitch-Monica in case you haven't kept up with the theme of this post.

You know it's called wine tasting. Not wine drinking. Maybe if they didn't pour so much then they could offer the whole line of wines to taste without all the punch cards, torn perfs, body modification for a tasting, etc. It must cost a lot of money to make up those little deals and the liability insurance for the tattoo artist must be astronomical.

One last comment. We spent $80 on wine at Mount Palomar. Did we get one thank you?


I know that there are some people that spend hundreds of dollars at each visit to a winery but these people are few a far between. The most common in Temecula are the "One sip and your toasted" group so you would think that when some spends some money that even the most snobbish, cynical Bitch-Monica would at least throw out a "Thank you for visiting Mount Palomar".

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