Monday, October 13, 2008


Yippee! The stock market is up 11% today! We are back baby! We hit bottom and now there's no where else to go but up!

Well maybe not.

I don't want a tax cut. I don't want rebate check. I want a pay raise. A big one.

I want the government to cut corporate taxes so that businesses can create new jobs and afford to pay their employees what they deserve. So that they can keep the good people that they have invested in and not have to find and train new people every couple years. It's time to end the "we will pay them no more than we have to" philosophy that has turned the workplace into a place we dread and more into a new challenge if not adventure each day.

Economic stimulus does nothing. That check we got earlier in the year didn't help anything.

I don't want a tax cut. I don't want a rebate. I want a raise.

Don't companies realize that if they don't pay market levels for the folks they hire that they will lose them?

If industry pays their employees more the employees will pay more taxes, they will buy more crap on the weekends and in the end the economy grows. THE NEW ECONOMY.

In the not so distant future companies will have to pay their employees more just to survive.


A change is coming and it's not coming from Washington, it's coming out of necessity

THE NEW ECONOMY is on the horizon


Anonymous said...

Plumbers make too much money. I want them to share the wealth. We're going to tax plumbers so that the people behind them, you know, the landscapers and handymen and computer programmers, can benefit. Spread the wealth!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm losing to this socialist quack!

Anonymous said...

The democrats had their chance for an economic moderate. ME. Sure there's that universal healthcare thing, but you know it wasn't going to pass through Congress anyway. Instead you picked "that one."

McCain / MILFy Mavericky Palin '08,
ME in 2012!